Visiting Practitioner

July-Aug Dates

July-Aug Dates

Wyarta Miller

Ngangkari Healer a First Nations Doctor

Wyarta Miller is a Wirangu, Kokatha (Gugada), Mirning woman from the Far West Coast of South Australia. She grew up along the whole stretch of coastline from Ceduna, Penong, Fowlers Bay, Yalata right through to the Nullabor and the inland desert of SA.

Wyarta was born with Ancestral gifts, given the blessing of a Traditional Aboriginal desert name ‘Wiramai’ and the capacity of healing as a child. She is Ngangkari - Indigenous healer and First Nations Doctor (Bush Doctor).

Little Bio

Ngangkari are born with their gifts. They have the ability to communicate, hear and see in other dimensions, they are multidimensional workers.

Ngangkari are blood healers and are able to heal the human vessel, from sickness, pain and traumas. The Ancient gift enables Ngangakri to remove physically your pain and sickness. They are able to align your spirit to your body, and help you gain strength to heal your self.

Wyarta (Wiramai) is here to service her people, her communities and all of humanity. She regularly travels with her three beautiful children and holds sessions in Sydney, Melbourne and South Australia. With the flexibility to service other communities in these states, and other states to come. “My gift is not for me, it is for you. My gift is for Humanity. We are all one, we all deserve healing and to be align to our purpose in this lifetime”. Wyarta Wiramai Miller

A little bit more about our visiting practitioner Wyarta.

What do you love about this modality?

I love that I get to live a life with authenticity and purity with understanding who I am. Living free with knowing that I cannot live my life any other way, except in soul, purpose and unconditional love without expectations. I love that I can separate myself from a human identity and revert back into the Ancientness of my core, and that we do exist and walk amongst the world as we know it, an encyclopedia, a keeper of knowledge and Ancient methods, living the truth.

How do you think your modality benefits others?

There are many benefits to the healings I do, they are diverse in all things possible. They are life changing for all who have a treatment. Whether you suffer from a chronic illness to emotional trauma, physical pain. My role is to counteract your issues and take them out of your body, through me. I am designed to take your pain, your sickness and your trauma, and eliminate them. My job is to heal your blood, as this will heal your physical body. My job is to heal your spirit and align it to your body, so your able to shift into your purpose at a rapid speed. I always tell my clients, if they were not ready for my treatments, they wouldn’t be present on my table. You come to me when the time is right for healings. I put the message out to the creator for all who need and deserve my treatments, and they are who what come. This is physical healing, so you will physically feel it.

What is your greatest strength in what you do?

My greatest strengths are, my acceptance of this gift. It is the most honourable gift to have. It is the most Ancient gift on the planet. It stems from the beginning of time, and what an honour to be born this way. Something I was once afraid of, I am now in awe of and feel so blessed to have this ability to share with the world, to re educate about the way we heal and why it is so different, and why it was so protected only coming out now. My strengths are to stay in my power, educate, heal, share, love and understand that I am here too, still having a human experience. We can be both in pure soul and accept our human experience. To get to that place requires so much strength and pain. You must be willing to be ripped apart to gain strength of your gifts and stay in your power. Acceptance and awareness is key.

Do you offer any follow-up support after the treatment?

After all treatments, clients are always followed up, and are first priority when bookings are open again. Follow up treatments are a priority for first time clients.

What are client’s expected to feel from your treatment?

Everyone responds differently to the treatments. It truly depends on the depths of they’re healings. It’s a physical healing, and blood healing so you will physically feel the affects of the body repairing itself and the soul aligning. Things will shift into alignment extremely fast for clients. Your pain will be gone, the repair of chronic illness will start to mend and the healing journey begins. Some people require one treatment, where others require more. It depends on the body and soul for each client. Our purpose here on Earth, is not to be born with trauma, pain, attachments, mental health and sickness. We are here for our souls purpose and a human peaceful experience. Make your choice. We only have to align to our soul, or continue living a human ego identity. At the end of the day. You still get to choose your path.

Booking an appointment with Wyarta.

Wyarta is a traveling Ngangkari practitioner who has clients across South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. She runs one booking platform to manage her clients and payments. Her payment system allows for you to pay slowly without any hidden fees or charges. Please speak to us if you have any further questions.