Spiritual Alchemy

What is Spiritual Alchemy?

Have you ever experienced ease in manifesting in some areas of your life, but challenged to manifest in other areas such as Love, Money, Health, or Career? That is because we may have blocks and resistances in our energetic fields that is preventing us our desires. Through Spiritual Alchemy Healing we will work together to uncover any obstacles in your way. Some of these blocks may be from your current life, past life, or ancestral life that is preventing you from manifesting what you We'll tap into your Higher Self to explore your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical aspects and alchemise any blocks into powerful resources for achieving your desires. Through this process, you'll tap into the limitless potential within you, and step into being the powerful creator of your reality.

What can you expect from a Spiritual Alchemy session?

Begin by creating a vision of what you desire to manifest in your life. Envision a clear path ahead, while also acknowledging any obstacles that may impede your progress. These obstacles could include:

  • Limiting beliefs, fears, anxieties 

  • Ancestral trauma, family karma, hidden loyalties 

  • Past life echoes, karma, vows/oaths 

  • Unresolved emotions, yours, others and collective 

  • Cords to others, sabotage energies, projections 

  • Inner child issues 

  • Fragmented parts of your soul essence 

  • Soul contracts 

  • Negative energies of all kinds. 

  • Imbalances in organs, gland, meridians, and systems of the body 

  • Parts of your personality working against what you’re wanting to create 

  • Stories you have been telling yourself/ holding onto 

  • Ying/yang imbalances in your internal and external worlds and so much more.

We will work together in identifying the any of these blocks that may come up through your deep meditative state and clear these blocks in order for you to heal and come into alignment with your manifestations. This is because our external world is a mirror of our internal world.

What are the outcomes and benefits of Spiritual Alchemy?

  • Experience a life filled with greater ease and harmony.

  • Deepen your connection with your intuition, unlocking its wisdom.

  • Attain clarity on the origins and purpose of any obstacles in your life, transforming them into valuable resources.

  • Feel a surge of energy and inner peace as stagnant energies are released and attachments let go.

  • Heal past lives, ancestral traumas, and inner child wounds to experience a greater sense of harmony in your life.

  • Witness the beginning of new opportunities and effortless alignment of your manifestations

  • Find relief as physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional disturbances gradually dissolve.

  • Tap into your interconnected and limitless potential and step into the power of your own creation.

Sakuna is available: Spiritual Alchemy Healing IN PERSON and ONLINE: Saturday and Sunday


  • It really depends on how many blocks and resistances you may have for your creation. I usually recommend three sessions to really alchemise all your blocks into resources to help you move forward powerfully in what you desire. Spiritually the number three symbolises changes and creation, and I like to tell my clients wait until three days after your healing session to really begin to feel the full shift and effects of your experience.

  • I will take you through a deep meditative state to tap into your higher self and subconscious mind. You will then set an intention on what you want to create in your life, rather than focusing what is ‘wrong in your life’, as Socrates quote mentions ‘We don’t focus on fighting the old but focus on building the new’ as this allows you the power to really create ethe change you want in your life. You will then step in to really feeling this creation and connect with that energy. We then set up a creational field which is like a path to your creation and ask your higher self to scan all parts of life from this current life, past lives, or your ancestors lives and bring up any blocks that are in the way on your path of you feeling happy and healthy in life. Each block is an opportunity for you to gain insight and awareness for you to reach what it is you want on the other side. We then perform the spiritual alchemy on the blocks, so they aren’t in your way but behind you as resources, helping you to be pushed forward on your path into stepping forward to what you want. Please keep in mind that we cannot assume what will come up and where it comes from until we begin the process, as it is best not to assume but rather to allow the experience to unfold.

  • Online is a fantastic experience because you are at the comfort of your own home. Sometimes clients may feel fatigued and exhausted after their healing experiences because you begin to internal shift, so instead of driving home feeling a little scattered you able to be at home and allow yourself space to fully integrate the Spiritual Alchemy healing. I will send you an online link for our meeting, whilst you can choose to do this from a comfortable chair, couch, or even your bed and then I will take you through the meditative process and coach you through the healing to uncover your blocks. Online works equally as effective as the face-to-face process as well, and it is great for people who are limited from travel time, who might live further away, or unable to travel due to other commitments.

  • Now this is such a personal and individual experience for everyone. In our energy field we may hold trauma, negative energies from others, energetic cords attached to other people, beliefs, spirits connected to us, decoherent energies, karma, contracts, vows, hidden loyalties and so much more that is preventing us from reaching what we want in life. So once these blocks are released and alchemise you begin to internally shift and change within such as your emotions, your mind, and physically, then the layers around your energy field does too such as how your family and friends respond to you, the layers around you job, your interest, your values, then the layers around your life and nature itself, then the layers around the universe and that’s when the law of attraction begins for you. So, you will notice the shifts and changes in all aspects of your life beginning to move forward towards what your intended creation is. Some clients have mentioned that they received unexpected phone calls, messages, opportunities in work, meeting someone new, it all depends on what your creation is too.


  • I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a Spiritual Alchemy session with Sakuna. As a Psychology graduate, I am not just fascinated by the power of the mind, but I believe with conviction that your mindset is the key to a prosperous, successful, and fulfilling life. Whilst I deeply believe in the power of mindset, I was never quite sure how to implement strategies that would rid my own mind of societal and cultural norms/expectations. I knew full well that I had blocks in the way of my creativity and path to success, however, I wasn’t sure how to not only recognise these blocks but also move past them. That’s up until I experienced Sakuna’s Bridge to Creation. Sakuna’s guided meditation session tapped into my subconscious mind and brought forward to my consciousness life experiences that triggered me to use defense mechanisms. These defense mechanisms had served a purpose at the time but through the meditation, it became clear that they are now blocks to my creativity and success. Not only did Sakuna’s bridge to creation highlight these blocks to me but through her guidance, I was able to release the negative energy that was attached to these lived experiences and leave them in the past. I left the session feeling a strong sense of catharsis and empowerment. I urge anyone who is at a point in their life where they are ready to let something go and start a new creation, one that fully aligns with their own values and is void of any external influences, to cross the bridge to creation with Sakuna.

    Caroline Mitri

  • I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to experience the Spiritual Alchmey session with Sakuna. For years I had been curious about the deeper aspects of my being, and what lessons were meant to unfold for me in the course of this lifetime. The beauty of this session is that Sakuna works with you to state clearly what you would like to manifest, and takes you through a deep inner journey to identify blocks, imprints from current and past lifetimes, times in between lifetimes, ancestral lines, soul contracts, negative entities and dark forces, and remove the effects of these imprints and energies carried forward into this life that no longer serve us. Going through this journey was fascinating and really expanded my heart, and gave me so much more clarity and a sense of 'freshness', a clean slate from which I could move forward and manifest my vision. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone who is wanting to create something in their lives, and experience hurdles either externally or from within. Thank you Sakuna for the wonderful session, I loved the experience and I look forward to exploring further, and uncovering so many more lessons in this way. Time went by very quickly during the session, it did not feel like 2 hrs for sure!

    Anitha Aradhya

  • My name is Kristy, I have felt lost as of late and have wanted to go on a journey to grow, discover more about myself, find out what my best self looks like, and how I am going to get there. I wasn’t sure how to do that and came across Sakuna talented and inspiring self that had a clear vision on how to create my desired reality. I came into the session to unpack the layers that make up me, what is blocking me to achieve my dreams and get clarity in how to do that . Big shout out to Sakuna and my first session to the Spiritual Alchemy. The experience was like I have never had before and for that matter never thought would be possible, body heavy, felt hypnotised, I was there, but it was a blur and cannot remember all my words. I felt slightly uncomfortable , but they say uncomfortable creates growth. I pushed myself to my limits to answer questions that was complex and difficult because I knew I would get benefit of. I feel I walked out feeling like I had my clarity and an idea on a first step to work on as a priority to getting to where I would like to be. If you haven’t ever done something like 100% need to give it a go, it’s very magical and an experience you won’t forget it.

    Kristy Matheo

  • The Spiritual Alchemy journey has given me the strength to walk over my disbelief in myself and what i can do with my life. I am a creative and was struggling to bring tasks to completion. Be it study, art, business, you name it. I now feel the importance of my life and take on the necessary tasks with integrity and with purpose. I needed this, and I wanted it, i just didn't have access to it. Sakuna guided me through the bridge to creation with such kindness, patience and gentleness, and held the space of true wisdom keeping. I knew she and I were casting a potent spell over my life and removing what no longer needed. I felt her presence and power. Unravelling tangled stories from my ancestors and calling my own truth into play. Healing. Truly a powerful experience. When you hear your own voice telling the stories of your ancestors and just allow yourself to listen, trust and flow, this is where you meet your higher self, and your become closer to your inner wisdom. And when you learn to trust that voice you will always know you're on the right path to create the life you were always meant to have. Thank you Sakuna.

    Jessica Connick

  • Enrolling in the 'Spiritual Alchemy' healing class transformed my perception of reality. As a skeptic, I was amazed at how this meditation-like approach helped me embrace change and overcome career-related challenges. The non-judgmental environment allowed me to explore and release self-imposed limitations. It's true, one session can't undo a lifetime of habits, but it left me feeling empowered and more capable of managing negative self-talk. The class subtly guided me towards manifesting positive change. Even if relaxation is all you seek, this class delivers that and so much more.

    Mark Hopkins

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**Please note there are 24hr cancellation fees of $53.20 for treatments and services which are NON-REFUNDABLE **