Shamanic Healing

How Fernanda uses the tools during a Shamanic Healing as a practitioner.

Shamanic Healing is a space filled with Spirit as Fernanda works with her higher self and guides to be present and ready for you. In a Shamanic Healing session, Fernanda calls in unconditional loving guides and ancestors to help work with you. Fernanda checks that these loving spirits are truly benevolent ascended guides ready to help.

These beings may assist with messages, healing energy and activation of soul abilities. Her work involves clearing and removing heaviness from the physical, emotional and etheric bodies, aligning chakras, opening energetic points, and sometimes connecting with past lives.

The Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Spiritual Guides will be assisting in your healing ceremony through Mudras, Light codes, Light language, songs, passed loved ones and much more. Be open to receive unconditional love and to what is best for your highest self.

Join Fernanda on an amazing healing journey. Book in your time below.

Here's an overview of Shamanic Healing and its key components:

Shamanism: Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice found in various cultures worldwide. Shamans are considered spiritual healers or intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds. They often work with spirit guides, animal allies, and nature's elements to gain insight, wisdom, and healing for themselves and others. Shamanic practices can involve rituals, ceremonies, drumming, chanting, journeying, and connecting with the spiritual realm.

In Shamanic Healing, Fernanda blends the principles of shamanic rituals and practices. The integration of these principles enhances the healing experience by:

  • Deepening the connection to nature and the spirit world

  • Addressing the root causes of emotional and spiritual imbalances

  • Facilitating personal growth and transformation

  • Working with spiritual guides and allies to gain insights and guidance

  • Clearing energetic blockages and imbalances in the energy field

  • Harmonising the body, mind, and spirit on a profound level

Shamanic practitioner, Fernanda, may use tools like crystals and other tools as well as singing during a session to enhance the healing process. Additionally, Fernanda may engage in journeying to connect with her spirit guides and access information that can be beneficial to the healing process.

The specific practices and rituals used in Shamanic Healing can vary depending on Fernanda’s connection with your guides and what needs to be shifted. As with any energy-based healing modality, the effectiveness of Shamanic Healing may vary from person to person, and it is essential to be open during the session so that Fernanda who provides a safe and supportive healing environment can assist you.

It's important to note that Shamanic Healing is considered a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment or advice. If you have medical concerns or conditions, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional.

Some benefits of receiving Shamanic Healing.

It's essential to note that results may vary depending on the individual and the level of commitment and openness to the healing process.

  • Shamanic Healing encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of healing, providing a more comprehensive approach to well-being.

  • By channeling healing energy, a Shamanic Reiki practitioner can help balance the subtle energy fields within the body, promoting a sense of harmony and vitality.

  • Shamanic Healing allows individuals to tap into their intuitive and spiritual abilities, fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual realm.

  • Through Shamanic Healing, one can release stored emotions, trauma, and negative patterns, promoting emotional healing and transformation.

  • Shamanic Healing can help amplify one's intuitive abilities, allowing for clearer guidance and insight into life's challenges.

  • Shamanic Healing clears energetic blockages, entity attachments and releases stagnant energy, promoting overall well-being.

  • Shamanic Healing can aid in personal transformation, empowering individuals to take charge of their own healing journey and personal growth.

  • The gentle and soothing nature of Shamanic Healing can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation, allowing for deep healing and rejuvenation.

Book an appointment with Fernanda.

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**Please note there are 24hr cancellation fees of $53.20 for treatments and services which are NON-REFUNDABLE **