Intuitive Card Making Workshop

Our intuitive card making workshop is an opportunity to explore the rider waite tarot and your inner self through a unique creative process in a safe and non-judgemental environment.

Using the tarot cards, you are able to learn the basic meaning and then create your own cards. The main purpose of intuitive card making is to tune in to your own unique knowing and allow the creative process help you develop your own meaningful tarot deck.

In this workshop there is no prior requirements or experience necessary to understanding the rider waite tarot cards as you will learn all you need to in class. Allowing your creativity to flow is fundamental in creating your own card set and using them on friends and family.

Days: Saturday and Sunday

Times: 2hr classes, Times vary

Venue: 754R Oktopia Studios, around the corner behind our shop.

If you are interested in our classes please email us. Dates and times will be organised in the near future.