Kinesiology & MBM

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic, complementary therapy that works to access information about a person’s wellbeing. Through use of a gentle technique called muscle monitoring, it can reveal stress patterns, both conscious and subconscious, that contribute to the onset of physiological and/or emotional symptoms. Other imbalances in the body, including structural, energetic, or biochemical factors, can also be explored through the process.

A kinesiology session is called a balance, meaning it aims to restore homeostasis: a state of physiological equilibrium that enables the body to function at an optimal level. By achieving this balanced state, supported by acupressure and other gentle techniques, the body can more readily utilise its inherent self-healing mechanisms.

What can Kinesiology help improve?

Common clinical conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical symptoms – Fatigue, digestion, pain, headaches, sleep issues, skin issues, menstrual issues, low immunity, or any dis-ease in the body

  • Emotional symptoms – Stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, fear, addiction, grief, eating disorders, loneliness, stagnancy

  • Cognitive symptoms – Brain fog, memory, decision-making, attention, language processing

What is Mind Body Medicine?

Mind body medicine examines the mind-body unity by way of mapping symptoms to specific psychological underpinnings. The framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine is employed to understand the primary behavioural patterns and core motivators that relate to internal imbalances and their respective physiological and/or emotional concerns. Through client-centred counselling and somatic-focused techniques, a deeper, more thorough insight into the self is achieved, enabling greater agency over one’s health outcomes.

What can I expect from a Mind Body Medicine Session?

Sessions are structured to regulate the nervous system and cultivate internal awareness to address self-limiting thoughts and beliefs. Techniques such as acupressure and meditation can help create inner stillness, while unearthing and processing repressed emotions, through use of kinesiology techniques, can lead to a better understanding of the self. What’s revealed is a more authentic and fulfilled version of you.

Book a Kinesiology or MBM appointment with Camille.

Welcome and thank you for booking in an appointment with one of our subcontractors at Thornbury Apothecary. All treatments and services are located at 754A High Street Thornbury, 3071. Please select the services and treatments and book in a time with one of our subcontractors.

**Please note there are 24hr cancellation fees of $53.20 for treatments and services which are NON-REFUNDABLE **