La Cerrada & La Sobada

La Cerrada

Duration: 2hrs - $280

Mexican Traditional Massage with Rebozo, is the warmest hug a mother or anyone closing a cycle may need!

La Cerrada, is a sacred ceremony practiced by our Mexican ancestors, where we re-connect your physical, energetic and etheric body. It’s the perfect space of transition from pregnancy into motherhood. Rebirthing you as your new Archetype “The Mother”.

This ritual is about applying pressure in different parts of the body, releas­ing emotions and physical tensions that can remain in our bodies after pregnancy, labor, miscarriage, and/or abortion.

This experience is different and unique for every woman, recommend during or after La Cuarentena / 40 days Postpartum. There is no limit of time after that!

In our tradition, this invites the woman to connect with her inner child, the one who needs to be held, while honoring and recognising her transition from maiden to mother.

Fernanda will always be very careful to avoid “frialdad” or coldness, in our culture as this is be­lieved to cause the baby blues. 

La Sobada

Duration: 1.5hr — $180

Whole-body massage with herbs infusion oils to promote healing. La Sobada helps to release soreness, relieves water retention and detoxification. This is followed by a traditional womb massage releasing tension held by the fascia during pregnancy and supports and stimulates the uterus after birth.

During the massage released stuck emotions that are held within the body are often released.

We will create a safe space to allow emotions, feelings, and thoughts to flow.

Organic herbal oil infusions are made by Fernanda which are infused for more than 30 days in 100% organic olive oil.

Book an appointment with Fernanda

Welcome and thank you for booking an appointment with one of our subcontractors at Thornbury Apothecary. All treatments and services are located at 754A High Street, Thornbury 3071. Please select the service or treatment and book in a time with one of our subcontractors.

**Please note there are 24hr cancellation fees of $53.20 for treatments and services which are NON-REFUNDABLE **