Reiki and Intuitive Reading

What is Reiki Healing?

Our practitioner, Anna is trained in the 5 principals of reiki healing and uses her hands which are placed over your chakra centres where universal energy is moved into your body. The channeled energy may assist to move negative energy out of your body, grounding you and making you feel clearer and centered. Types of negative energy that people often suffer from are stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. Reiki may benefit these concerns.

What to expect during the intuitive reading session?

Intuitive Reading Session with Anna:

You will be asked to take a seat and to shuffle the cards used during the session and the reading will begin. Our practitioners will use oracle decks where needed to check and confirm what was shared with you. They will ask you to speak when they need you to clarify otherwise they will ask you to let the cards say what they need to say.

Reiki Session:

As the client, you will always remain fully clothed for the duration of the session. You will lay on a comfortable massage table with a blanket placed over your body to keep you warm. Our practitioners will then tune into your energy and begin to use the sound bowls to clear your energy and reset your body before reiki takes place.

Meditative music will gently play as you begin to ease your mind when our practitioners start a 'meditative journey', with you to guide you into your 'scared space' where they leave you. Crystals are then applied over your energy centres to clear and balance your aura. Sometimes a pendulum is used to encourage energy flow in a particular area.

How do people feel after a session of reiki and intuitive reading?

Most people, during Reiki report feeling a radiating warmth from our practitioner’s hands but it can also be cool as well, and sometimes your head feels lighter as the energy works its magic. Everyone has a different experience when they are open minded. Using the cards helps people pinpoint what they need to shift and get support in either through reiki or professional support.

Book an Intuitive Reiki appointment with Anna.

Welcome and thank you for booking an appointment with one of our subcontractors at Thornbury Apothecary. All treatments and services are located at 754A High Street, Thornbury 3071. Please select the service or treatment and book in a time with one of our subcontractors.

**Please note there are 24hr cancellation fees of $53.20 for treatments and services which are NON-REFUNDABLE **