Flower Essence Therapy

What is a flower essences session involve?

Our Naturopath Jacquelyn has learned that flower essence such as Bach flower essence have amazing natural essential qualities to help with healing a variety of aliments.

Flower essences are not the same as herbal extracts or tinctures, instead the water is “infused”. The flowers are steeped over time in the sun, allowing the energetic life-force of the plant or flower has transferred into the water. The water is “potentised” and is used orally over a course of time. 

How do flower essences help you?

The way that flower essences function is not like conventional medicine or even naturopathic medicine in the sense that it doesn't impact the body in a biochemical way by suppressing symptoms or working physiologically with the body's systems and hormones. Instead, flower essence therapy works with the subtleties of the human energy field and provides a supportive resonance through vibrations to stimulate the natural force of health throughout the body, rebalancing the systems. 

The impact that a given plant will have on an individual is determined by many factors including the colour of the plant, its shape and growth patterns as well as its habitat or where it was grown. Every individual will also have unique responses to flower essences and the body will determine its needs.

Flower essence for mental health and anxiety

Who can use flower essences?

The wonderful thing about flower essences is how safe they are. The energetic infusions of healing plants can be used by adults and children alike as well as those with severely compromised immune systems and various conditions.

Book an appointment with Jacquelyn.